The Very Hangry Caterpillar
A short game made with friends for GMTK's 2024 Game Jam
The game can be played here: https://jelanimckenzie.itch.io/the-very-hangry-caterpillar
My friends and I had four days to make a game but we only got to actually use two due to complications. The resulting game wasn't our best work but we all had a lot of fun with it.
I remember pitching the idea of Bullet Hell + Snake because I loved the game Last Command. I drew up the main caterpillar in a night. One of my friends said, "He looks like he'll bite my nuts off..." so I knew it was a great design.
After that we kind of sat on our hands because our programmer was being dragged around the city by his mom. When he got back we sped through a couple attack designs, music choices, SFXs, and a running joke.
We didn't get to do everything we wanted but what we finished with was funny to all our friends so that counts for something.
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